Aug 12, 2020 6:00 PM
Past District Governor Chugsam Doh
District 5240's special and long-term relationship with Rotarian in South Korea

Did you know our District 5240 has had a very special and long-term relationship with Rotarians in So. Korea?  What began as one South Korean District (D-3720) years ago is now two districts ( D-3721 and D-3722).  How did this all come about, and when?  Join us on August 12th when we have special guest Past District Governor Chungsam Doh, originally a member of the RC of Bakersfield East but now retired and living in Carlsbad CA.  Chungsam originated the relationship in the 90’s that continues with us today.  He will explain the benefits of this working relationship, the combined efforts on many international projects we have done with our So Korean partners, and the continued friendships over the years as they visit our district and we visit their districts each year.